Job Road: Want to get a new/better job? Job Road counselors help:
- Create or improve your resume
- Guide your job search
- Coach/practice interview skills
College Road: Want to enroll in college? We help in so many ways:
- Sign up with a college counselor to help you select the college best for you and apply for financial aid
- Attend our College Prep 6-week Seminar series taught by a Columbia Professor
- Attend Core and Community luncheon seminars taught by Columbia professors to get a sense of college level rigor
- Sign up to be paired with a current Columbia student as a Mentor to help you with study skills and college level work
- Join free field trips each term to widen your knowledge and awareness of resources in New York City
Computer Classes: To succeed in college or the workplace these days you need computer skills. Sign up for computer classes where you will:
- Learn how to use the computer on the actual GED test
- Learn essential computer skills in MS Office Suite and Google docs
Social Service Referrals: All adult education students are assigned Social Services Counselors who can help you access services to solve practical life problems such as:
- Child care
- Elder care
- Health Insurance
- Food Stamps & SNAP
- Housing
- EI Tax Credit
- Neighborhood Schools
- Mental Health Support
- Other Government Programs